50 minutes | Tuesday, September 3, 2024
How early can you tell that it it’s going to be a bad day? For Anna, the first hour she’s awake sets the tone for how her day is going to go, and it’s not going well so far…
Are you up to date with this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the hotdog highlight of the year!
Did you take the bus as a kid? Anna and Raven want to hear your wildest school bus stories!
Back in the day, a mini fridge was the height of dorm room accessories! Nowadays though, Gen Z has brought a new sense of style to college living!
Do you have a great fundraising idea? Anna’s daughter needs to raise money for her school fast and she needs help!
Going on a family vacation is fun, at least at first, but after a few days it starts to get old! When did you know the vacation was over and it was time to go home?
Chris and Layla are getting married in a few months and she has always called his parents Mr. and Mrs. Oliveira. His mom mentioned that once they’re married, she can start calling them mom and dad. She’s very uncomfortable with this and thinks it seems weird. She has her own parents; she doesn’t need to call anyone else mom and dad- maybe first names? But not mom and dad. He thinks his parents will be offended, they’re from Portugal and it’s what all the son and daughter in laws do.
Rachel has got a shot at $1600! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!